Vou Ver o Flu Jogar: tudo sobre Fluminense x Osasco pela 17ª rodada da Superliga 2023/2024


É noite de Superliga para as Guerreiras do Vôlei. Às 21h, no Ginásio da Hebraica Rio, Fluminense e Osasco se enfrentam pela 17ª rodada da competição. Será a última partida do Fluminense em casa antes da semifinal da Copa Brasil, contra o Minas no dia 02/03. A transmissão acontece no Sportv 2.

Foto: Mailson Santana / FFC
Foto: Mailson Santana / FFC

O confronto marcará a primeira partida da capitã Lara diante da torcida tricolor nesta temporada. A central estreou na última partida, contra o Sesc-RJ Flamengo no Maracanãzinho, após ficar 10 meses sem atuar com a camisa do Fluminense devido à recuperação de cirurgia de LCA no joelho esquerdo.

Será a terceira partida entre Fluminense e Osasco nesta temporada. Os outros dois confrontos aconteceram no Ginásio José Liberatti: pela Superliga, vitória das mandantes por 3×1; já na Copa Brasil, vitória Tricolor por 3×2 e classificação para as semifinais.

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A equipe comandada pelo treinador Guilherme Schmitz tem 25 pontos na tabela e ocupa a sexta colocação. Caso vença, pode chegar aos 28 e ultrapassar o Sesi Vôlei Bauru, que também tem 28 pontos e recebe o Minas na próxima sexta-feira.

Os ingressos estarão à venda na bilheteria do Clube Hebraica de 19h até o final do primeiro set, custando 20 reais a inteira e 10 a meia. Os 50 primeiros que chegarem de camisa do Fluminense não pagam ingresso.


21 thoughts on “Vou Ver o Flu Jogar: tudo sobre Fluminense x Osasco pela 17ª rodada da Superliga 2023/2024

  • 28/02/2024 em 04:25

    In the ethereal glow of twilight, the ancient forest whispered secrets known only to the towering trees that stood sentinel for centuries. The air was crisp, carrying the sweet scent of pine and the subtle rustle of leaves underfoot. A solitary owl perched on a moss-covered branch, its eyes gleaming with the wisdom of the night. As the moon ascended, casting its silvery beams through the tangled canopy, a distant melody of crickets and frogs joined the nocturnal symphony. In this enchanted realm, time seemed to dance between the shadows, weaving a tapestry of mystery that beckoned the curious wanderer to explore the hidden wonders concealed within the heart of the wilderness.deadtoonsindia

  • 28/02/2024 em 04:26

    Beneath the flickering streetlights of the bustling city, a diverse tapestry of life unfolded. Pedestrians hurried along the sidewalks, their footsteps creating a rhythmic melody against the urban soundtrack of honking cars and distant sirens. Neon signs adorned the facades of eclectic shops, each window displaying a unique story waiting to be discovered. Cafés buzzed with the murmur of conversations and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, creating an inviting atmosphere for those seeking a momentary escape from the fast-paced world outside. High above, skyscrapers pierced the night sky, their lights shimmering like distant stars. Amidst the urban chaos, serendipitous encounters and untold narratives played out in the labyrinth of the metropolis, weaving a narrative as complex and diverse as the city itself.technorozen.com

  • 28/02/2024 em 04:27

    As the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving a canvas of warm hues in its wake, a quaint coastal town came to life. Seagulls soared above the rocky shoreline, their calls harmonizing with the rhythmic crashing of waves against the cliffs. Fishermen, silhouetted against the fading light, cast their lines into the sea, their weathered faces reflecting years of maritime tales. The scent of salt mingled with the aroma of freshly grilled seafood, wafting from charming seaside cafes. Lighthouses stood sentinel on distant promontories, their beams cutting through the encroaching darkness. In the heart of the town square, a lively market unfolded, with vendors peddling vibrant flowers, handmade crafts, and the catch of the day. The coastal breeze carried a sense of tranquility, inviting both locals and wanderers to savor the simple joys of life by the sea.technorozen

  • 06/03/2024 em 08:19

    Beneath the canopy of an ancient forest, where sunlight filtered through the interwoven branches like shards of gold, a hidden stream murmured its timeless song. Moss-covered stones bore witness to the passage of centuries, while vibrant ferns unfurled their delicate fronds in a dance with the gentle breeze. The air was saturated with the sweet perfume of pine needles and the earthy scent of fallen leaves, creating an olfactory tapestry that spoke of nature’s enduring beauty. A curious squirrel, its fur a medley of russet and gray, darted among the trees, its keen eyes reflecting the perpetual curiosity of the woodland denizens. Far from the cacophony of urban life, this enchanted realm whispered tales of quiet resilience, where the symphony of rustling leaves and the bubbling stream composed a melody that echoed through the ages..375 as a fraction

  • 06/03/2024 em 08:19

    In the heart of a bustling city, skyscrapers stretched toward the sky like metallic sentinels, their mirrored surfaces capturing the kaleidoscope of urban life below. The streets were alive with a vibrant energy, a cacophony of honking horns, chattering pedestrians, and the distant hum of city machinery. Neon signs flickered to life, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the pavement, while street vendors added the enticing aroma of sizzling delicacies to the sensory tapestry. Amidst the rush, a solitary musician on a street corner serenaded the passing crowd with a soulful melody, his guitar strings weaving a momentary escape from the relentless pace of city life. Each person, with their own story and purpose, navigated the urban labyrinth, creating a mosaic of humanity against the backdrop of towering structures that seemed to touch the very edge of possibility.burger and a grape snow cone meaning

  • 06/03/2024 em 08:20

    Under the velvet cloak of the night sky, a solitary lighthouse perched atop rugged cliffs stood as a sentinel overlooking the vast expanse of the restless sea. The rhythmic beam of its luminous eye cut through the darkness, painting ephemeral strokes of light on the undulating waves below. Stars glittered above like scattered diamonds, casting their ethereal glow upon the world. Far away, a distant ship navigated the inky waters, its silhouette barely discernible against the infinite canvas of the ocean. The salty breeze carried tales of distant lands and whispered secrets as the night unfolded, enveloping the coastal landscape in a timeless embrace that blurred the boundaries between dreams and reality.what does a burger and a grape snow cone mean

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:04

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered .375 as a fraction

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:05

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered burger and a grape snow cone meaning

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:06

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered what does a burger and a grape snow cone mean

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:07

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered rti scheduler

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:08

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered what is a burger and a grape snow cone

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:09

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered futbollibre

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:10

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered futbol libre

  • 06/03/2024 em 09:11

    The old house at the end of the street stood silent and imposing, its weathered facade hinting at years of stories and secrets. The garden, once lush and vibrant, was now overgrown with wildflowers and weeds, reclaiming the land inch by inch. A lone crow perched on the roof, its caw breaking the stillness of the afternoon. Inside, dust danced in the sunbeams that filtered through the cracked windows, casting long shadows on the faded wallpaper. It was a place forgotten by time, a relic of a bygone era waiting to be discovered Ssoap2day


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